教师 & 工作人员


Dr. 约翰·麦克伦

Dr. 约翰·麦克伦

办公室: 7 American Street, 3rd floor
电话: 301.687.3162
电子邮件: jmcmullen@dctdsj.com


Ph.D. VA. 科技
M.A. 西弗吉尼亚大学
B.A. 前苏联


AKD National Sociology Honor Society Contact

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    Dr. 约翰·麦克马伦(约翰·麦克伦)是社会学副教授,自2000年以来一直在弗罗斯特堡工作. 他获得了博士学位.D. is in sociology from Virginia 科技. 他有个M.A. 1988年在弗罗斯特堡大学获得社会学学士学位.

    His research has included studies on rural policing 和 house arrest, 最近在马里兰州协助一项针对低收入人群的全州研究. Dr. McMullen has served on the Council of University System 教师, 教师 H和book Committee, 教师上诉, the Allegany County Juvenile Review Board, 和 Human Resources Development Commission. 除此之外,他还是Alpha Kappa Delta(社会学荣誉协会)的分会代表和实习主任.

    Dr. McMullen teaches a wide variety of classes including Intro to Sociology, 不正常的行为, 犯罪学, 青少年犯罪, American Correctional System, 研究方法, 城市生活社会学, Sociology of Work 和 Occupations, 种族和犯罪.

Dr. 罗伯特•摩尔


办公室: 7 American Street, 3rd floor
电话: 301.687.4995 (email is preferred during this time period)
电子邮件: rmoore@dctdsj.com


Ph.D.天普大学. (社会学)


Sociology Department 椅子

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    Dr. Moore has taught at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 since 1998. To the best of his knowledge, he was the first president of the Pennsylvania Sociological Society, 2000, 在宾夕法尼亚州以外的高等教育机构工作的人. He is a past coordinator of the 非裔美国人研究 program, 2003-2007, 和 has chaired the sociology department since 2007. He is a strong advocate of study abroad experiences for students, having experienced a study abroad semester in Rome as an undergraduate, 和实习.

    He has edited three books 和 written one. The first edited book was on social problems in rural America,《澳门赌城官方网站》. He was interviewed on C-Span's http://www.c - span.org/video/?288724-11/they-marry-white-girl&开始= 115 booktv.

    他最难忘的时刻之一是在霍华德大学的一次小组演讲, organized by the sociology department at American University, 在布莱克本礼堂, 4月, 2003, 和一些作者一起编辑了一本关于大学校园种族关系的书.

    He has received faculty achievement awards for service, 2004, 和教学, 2003, 和 was nominated for a Regents' Award for Teaching, 2005. 吉拉总统任命他为马里兰州非洲裔美国人特别工作组的成员.

    He did a sabbatical at the University of Waterloo in the fall, 2004, where he was a Visiting 副教授. 当时,他有机会在滑铁卢大学给学生讲授一门关于种族的课程. He enrolled his children in Canadian public schools while there.

    他曾三次代表南方社会学学会被提名为执行委员会委员. As a member of the Southern Sociological Society, 他是CREM的主席, 2003-2005, Committee on Race 和 Ethnic minorities. 作为委员会主席,他组织了许多小组演讲,包括向詹姆斯·杰克逊的作品致敬, Institute of Social Research, 密歇根大学.

    He also helped coordinate wards for a Congressman in South Philadelphia, 为了攻读博士学位,他拒绝了国会议员随后提供的工作机会. He published a magazine on travel called, 酷的旅行者, 在大约7年的时间里,这本书在3个国家的130家书店出售.

    他目前的研究兴趣包括种族间接触和非裔美国人在澳门十大赌城官方网站社会中的整体地位. 他最感兴趣的支撑他研究兴趣的理论取向源于赫伯特·布鲁默1958年在《澳门赌城官方网站》出版的社会学期刊上发表的一篇短文, "Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position."

Dr. 丹尼尔Moorehead

Dr. 丹尼尔Moorehead

办公室: 7 American Street, 3rd floor
电话: 301.687.7965
电子邮件: dlmoorehead@dctdsj.com


Ed.D, West Virginia University
M.S., University of Central Missouri
B.S., 澳门十大赌城官方网站

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    Areas of Teaching Interest

    动物与社会, 修正, 犯罪, 犯罪, 异常, 婚姻与家庭, 教育社会学, 社会问题.

    Dr. 丹尼尔·穆尔黑德(丹尼尔Moorehead)是澳门十大赌城官方网站社会学副教授. Dr. Moorehead has been a faculty member in the 社会学系 since 2006. He strives to create a “learning community” in his classrooms, promoting engagement in the learning process by sharing information, 的想法, 和经验. 他的课程”人类社会中的动物已经多次被提名为优秀动物课程奖 & 社会”克利夫顿·布莱恩特动物 & 社会课程奖励.” In 2018 he also received the Outst和ing Mentor Award.

    有关博士的资料. Moorehead’s “人类社会中的动物” course (SOCI-420) the Animals & Society Institute website provides some additional information.

    Dr. Moorehead actively serves on several university committees, College of Liberal Arts 和 Sciences (CLAS) Curriculum Committee, 教师参议院, Academic Affairs Committee, 教师 Grievance Committee, Student Conduct Hearing Panel. 他是学生组织“学生反对不负责任地对待动物”的顾问,, 2008年至今担任社会学系图书馆代表.

    Dr. Moorehead also serves as a Governing Board Member, HART for Animals Inc. (通过救援和运输帮助动物)是一家501 (c) 3非营利性公司. Board members are elected by invitation only.

Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯

Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯

办公室: 7 American Street, 3rd floor
电话: 301.687.3124
电子邮件: krogersthomas@dctdsj.com


Ph.D. Indiana University, Folklore 和 American Studies
M.A. Indiana University, Folklore
2 B.A. degrees from University of Missouri, Religious Studies & 人类学


文化人类学 Coordinator
Appalachian Festival Coordinator
Mountain City Traditional Arts Coordinator

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    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯 is a 教授 of Sociology. 她拥有印第安那大学布卢明顿分校的民俗学和美国研究博士学位和民俗学硕士学位, 在密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校获得人类学和宗教研究学士学位.

    She is the coordinator of a Minor in 文化人类学. 她的跨学科学术兴趣包括:民俗学和民俗学研究, 阿巴拉契亚的研究, 文化人类学, 和 Environmental Sociology.

    作为马里兰州艺术委员会的马里兰州传统项目的合作伙伴. 罗杰斯·托马斯在澳门十大赌城官方网站指导民俗学和民间生活项目. 作为这些努力的一部分, 她负责协调每年9月举行的前苏联阿巴拉契亚音乐节,并管理山城传统艺术, a shop 和 venue on Frostburg’s Main Street dedicated to the sales, 演讲, 记录和延续阿巴拉契亚地区的传统艺术.

    自20世纪90年代中期以来,她的学术工作和研究一直集中在阿巴拉契亚地区. She is an Appalachian Teaching Fellow through the Appalachian Teaching Project, 由阿巴拉契亚地区委员会和东田纳西州立大学支持. 这些努力突出了该地区学生的体验式学习和服务性学习, 每年秋天为学生提供机会向ARC官员和ATP参与者展示他们的作品,并参加每年春天的阿巴拉契亚研究协会年会.

    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯是2012-2013年马里兰大学董事会公共服务学院奖获得者. She is current chair of the President’s Advisory Council for Sustainability, a member of the 前苏联’s Honors Committee, 也是可持续发展跨学科辅修咨询委员会的成员. 每年春天,博士. Rogers Thomas coordinates Focus Frostburg, a campus-wide event centered on environmental 和 cultural sustainability.

    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯曾担任中大西洋民俗协会主席, 他是美国民俗学会和阿巴拉契亚研究协会的成员. She has served on multiple boards 和 organizations in the region.



Dr. 李魏

Dr. 李魏

办公室: 7 American Street, 3rd floor
电话: 301.687.3412
电子邮件: wli@dctdsj.com


Ph.D., Sociology, Georgia State University

  • 额外的信息
    Areas of Teaching Interest

    Theory, Globalization, Race 和 Ethnic Relations, 和 East Asian Societies


    Dr. 李魏 is 副教授 of Sociology at 澳门十大赌城官方网站. He joined the Sociology faculty in August 2008. He teaches Introduction to Sociology, Classical Sociological Theory, 和 Contemporary Sociological Theory each semester. He has also taught several courses outside 社会学系, 包括基础日语, 中级日语, 和日本历史.

    In addition to teaching, Dr. Li also actively engages in other professional activities. He has served on several university committees.

    他在清末出版了一本关于中国民族政策及其如何影响中国现代化的书. 他曾两次应邀就中国社会问题和中日关系发表评论. 他还担任美国教育委员会大学水平日语和社会学课程的评估员.



Administrative Assistant II

办公室: 7 American Street, 2nd floor
电话: 301.687.7497
电子邮件: ajbucy@dctdsj.com