
机械工程 Frostburg Collaborative Program with University of Maryland College Park

Earn a University of Maryland College Park 机械工程 degree from the FSU 校园.

Spend four years taking in all that Frostburg State has to offer, and earn a 机械工程 degree from University of Maryland College Park (UMCP). This collaborative program between two University System of Maryland schools brings the abundant opportunities of Frostburg student life with high-quality upper-level engineering classes delivered via interactive video straight from College Park.

Benefit from FSU’s lower tuition for the first two years. Then take advantage of UMCP’s advanced engineering courses the final two years. All this while enjoying Frostburg’s welcoming community for your entire college career!

Students will take advanced UMCP mechanical engineering courses, such as: 

  • 材料力学
  • 动力学
  • 流体力学
  • Product 工程 and Manufacturing
  • Introduction to Computer-Aided Design

Enjoy 澳门十大赌城官方网站’s state-of-the-art lab facilities, 小班授课, and friendly atmosphere while earning a degree from the University of Maryland College Park, whose mechanical engineering program is 排名全国第16位 通过U.S. 新闻与世界报道(2017年调查). 该计划是由认证 认证 Board for 工程 and Technology (支持).

机械工程 Program Highlights

  • Gain real-world experience with opportunities like service learning, 实习, summer employment and lab assistant work-studies.

  • Use cutting-edge engineering technology used in the additive manufacturing 3D print lab, 机器人实验室, 材料测试实验室, computational engineering workstations, 还有很多其他的资源.

  • Work in multi-disciplinary teams to develop critical thinking and communication skills.

  • Meet your peers in the student chapter of the American Society of 机械工程 and take part in fun projects and outreach outside of class.

What can I do with a mechanical engineering degree?


Median pay for mechanical engineers (BLS 2021)





Mechanical Engineers work in some of the most broad and varied fields in engineering, from auto research to robotics to biomedicine to the design and manufacturing of everyday machines, such as elevators and internal combustion engines. Mechanical engineers with experience in computational design and simulation are expected to be most in demand. 更多信息,请访问 Bureau of Labor Statistics - 机械工程.


  • Learn one-on-one with your professors in small classes that give you an abundance of resources and guidance. All courses in the department are taught by doctoral faculty rather than taught partially by teaching assistants, a frequent practice at many other universities.
  • Discover your interest in engineering as you take part in unique hands-on learning, such as interdisciplinary capstone project development and collaboration opportunities in energy, 自主车辆, 传感, 国防部队等等.


  • 节目的前半部分

    During the first-year and sophomore years, you will be enrolled as a pre-engineering major at FSU. You will complete general education and engineering science courses taught by faculty onsite at FSU. FSU tuition rates apply during this time.

  • 节目的后半段

    After completing 45 credits of designated course work, you must apply for admission to UMCP’s 克拉克工程学院. After meeting UMCP’s admissions standards, you will be accepted into the second half of the program as an engineering major. UMCP’s tuition rates apply for this part of the program.


A Frostburg State education: more valuable than ever.

With nationally recognized academic programs, 真实世界的学习经历, 一流的支持系统, 和繁荣的澳门十大赌城官方网站, Frostburg State is a place where you can discover yourself, 确定你的目标, 为你的未来做好准备.

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