校友 Spotlight - Lexy Snyder Williams '18 and Bart Williams '17

Jan 10, 2023 10:00 AM

lexy and bart williamseNews 校友 Spotlight highlights alumni who give back to Frostburg in some way – time, 人才, treasure or any combination. This edition of eNews features Lexy Snyder Williams '18 and husband Bart Williams '17

Current City: Crofton, MD

Current Occupation: Lexy (Admissions | 2U, Inc.) and Bart (4th grade teacher, Lothian Elementary School)

Why do you love FSU?

We love the mountains and the small town feel. The people and professors we both met during our time at FSU were amazing! 

Why do you do for fun?

We love going on camping trips in our travel trailer with our dogs, and exploring state parks. 

What is your favorite TV show?

Lexy: Grey’s Anatomy 

Bart: Impractical Jokers- I can just turn it on and laugh!

lexy and bart on the waterWhat is your favorite memory of your time as a Frostburg student?

Bart: My teaching internships in various ACPS schools.

Lexy: Joining Delta Zeta and making some of my best friends, volunteering with Storybook Holiday and being an elf each December. 

Tell us about a person or persons from FSU who had an impact on your life. 

Bart: Dr. Ornstein and Dr. Bingman. Their enthusiasm and love for children’s literature is inspiring. In my classroom, read aloud is my favorite time of the day. 

Lexy: Jamie Winters '92/M'01 talked me through a lot of hard times at FSU and was a fantastic mentor. Liz Nelson '01/M'17 was my boss as a student worker. She was my mom away from home and another mentor for me. 

What is your favorite comfort food?

Bart: Smoked Ribs 

Lexy: Chili & Cornbread 

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Bart: Anywhere we can pull our camper and take our dogs along with us. 

Lexy: Anywhere tropical where the sun is shining with a beach and clear water. 

We went on our honeymoon to Jamaica and loved it!! 

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Lexy: I’d love to be an event planner!

Bart: Something in the world of educational technology, as it is constantly evolving.