Professional Achievements

Frostburg State University is tremendously proud of its talented and industrious faculty and staff. They make significant contributions to their fields by producing original research, creative works and performances, and scholarship in teaching and learning. They also engage in widespread service in their fields and in the community. These professional activities complement their instructional activities and advance the University’s mission to foster regional development and promote cultural enrichment, civic responsibility and sustainability. Please join me in congratulating our colleagues for their outstanding professional achievements in the academic year 2022-2023.

--Dr. Traki L. Taylor, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Frostburg State University 

The professional achievements listed are those reported by faculty and staff in response to surveys distributed during the spring. They encompass achievements during June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023. There may have been notable achievements that were unreported and thus unlisted.

Published by Communications and Media Relations. Compiled and edited by Candis Johnson.


Professional Achievements Archive

Traki Taylor

Dr. Traki Taylor